Notice of Public Hearing for Local Law No. 5-2023 to amend the Conesus Town Code by adding provisions relating to the reimbursement of consultant fees.
Please take notice that a proposed local law is under consideration by the Conesus Town Board, designated as a Local Law to “Amend the Conesus Town Code by Adding Provisions Relating to the Reimbursement of Consultant Fees.”
Please Take Further Notice that said proposed Local Law, generally, is aimed at ensuring that any costs incurred by the Town for consultant fees necessary to properly review land development applications in the Town shall be bome by the developer by requiring reimbursement of such costs by the developer to the Town.
Please Take Further Notice that said proposed Local Law is on file in the Conesus Town Clerk’s Office located at 6210 S. Livonia Road, Conesus, NY 14435, where it is available for public inspection during regular business hours, and may also be reviewed on the website at
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that a Public Hearing upon said proposed Local Law has been scheduled for the 6th day of June, 2023, at 7:05 PM, to be held by the Conesus Town Board at the Conesus Town Hall, 6210 S Livonia Rd, Conesus, NY 14435. An opportunity to be heard in regard thereto will then and there be given. Written comments may also be directed to the Conesus Town Clerk at 6210 S Livonia Rd, Conesus, NY 14435. An opportunity to be heard in regard thereto will then and there be given. Written comments may be directed to the Conesus Town Clerk at 6210 S. Livonia Road, Conesus, NY 14435
Dated: May 17, 2023
Annette McNinch, Town Clerk
Donald W. Wester, Town Supervisor
2023.2.24 – Fee Reimbursement Local Law