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Assessment Information

PO Box 188
6210 South Livonia Rd.
Conesus, NY 14435 

Hours of Operation: 
Wednesday 9:30-12:30

Equalization Rate: 100%
Residential Ratio: 100%
Uniform Level of Assessment: 100%
Taxable Status Date: March 1st
Valuation Date: July 1st of the preceding year
Tentative Roll: May 1st
Grievance Day: 2nd Wednesday following the 4th Tuesday in May: 4PM – 8PM Town Hall
Final Roll: July 1st of current year
Last Revaluation: 2018
Number of Parcels in Municipality: 1675

Exemption Information:
Exemptions for Senior Citizens and the Enhanced STAR must be renewed annually as they are income based. A renewal form should be mailed to each current exemptee shortly before the exemption renwals are due. Agricultural exemptions and Disability Exemptions must also be renewed each year. If you do not receive a renewal form by mail, call or download the form (See link below). Other exemptions are automatically renewed for the applicable term.  Contact the Assessor if you have questions.

All new and renewal applications must be submitted to the Assessors Office by March 1 of each year. 

Other Information:
The Town of Conesus is performing a town-wide reassessment in 2022.  The last reassessment in the town was completed in 2018.  Periodic assessment updates are necessary to maintain fairness in the assessment roll.  Currently the assessments in the Town are not at full market value levels, they are fractional. The goal is to restore full market level assessments and  re-establish equity in the assessment roll.  When assessments fall below full market value the tax rates must be equalized which results in a higher tax rate.  If you would like more information regarding the purpose of reassessments, you may go to the following button: 

2022 Livingston County Reassessment Project

Real Property Database:
The Real Property Database contains parcel-level information related to the assessment of real property. This information is the basis for the property taxes paid to local governments and school districts.

Search the Real Property Database

Taxable Status Date

Residential Assessment Ratio (RAR)

Equalization Rate

Who is the Assessor?

What Training Does the Assessor Have To Take?

What Does an Assessor Do?

What Kind of Property is Assessed?

How is Real Property Assessed?

Does the Assessor have to be let into your home?

What Else Does an Assessor Do?

Where Can I Go With Questions?