Parking Permits for Persons with Severe Disabilities
Form MV-664.1
MV-664.1 must be completed by Physician and applicant and can be downloaded by clicking here or on the document link at the bottom of this page.
Complete Instructions are included with the MV-664.1
Venison Donation Coalition
Deer hunters’ and farmers’ harvest can be donated, processed and distributed to help feed the hungry throughout New York State. Because donated deer must be professionally processed, the Venison Donation Coalition has coordinated a program where legally tagged and properly field-dressed deer can be taken to participating processors…at no cost to the hunter or farmer.
Sporting License Fees
Schedule of Fees charged for NYS Sportsman Licenses
Sportsman Education
All new hunters, bow hunters and trappers must pass the appropriate course before getting their first license. Students must attend all sessions, demonstrate proper attitude and safety, and pass the test. A hunter education course is required for all new hunters applying for a license. To hunt big game with bow and arrow, a special bow hunting course is required in addition to the basic hunter education course. A trapping course is required for all new trappers. For most people, a license is required, even to hunt woodchucks and other “varmints” with no closed seasons. Consult hunting regulations for season areas and dates.
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Information regarding hunting, fishing and trapping in NYS including regulations,licenses and education.